COVID-19 Critical Care online course: responding to the needs of clinical staff globally

Read more and watch our video to find out how this new course was created and how learners have already benefited from it.

In April 2020 the University and the Royal College of Physicians Edinburgh created the short online course, COVID-19 Critical Care: Understanding and Application, to meet the pressing needs of healthcare workers around the globe. Produced in just two weeks, the course was designed for frontline clinical staff caring for critically ill patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Teams from within and outside the University worked together to provide valuable resources for learners working in healthcare environments during the pandemic. Publishers McGraw Hill, who gave our learners free access to a core text book, commissioned this short film to tell the story of how we created the course and how learners have already benefited from it.

50,000 learners from 200 countries have enrolled on the course to date, and the resource remains open for anyone to access on FutureLearn.

Find out more about the Covid-19 Critical Care course