
The School of Health in Social Science seeks to foster an environment of inclusivity that recognises the dignity and value of everyone. We seek to strengthen our common humanity by respecting our multiplicity of identities. We actively acknowledge, seek to understand and challenge inequalities on our journey to inclusivity, and we are carrying out this mission through teaching, research and practice. Our celebration of diversity makes us stronger.

Results from the Research Excellence Framework 2021 (REF 2021) were released on 12th May 2022. REF is the UK’s system for assessing the quality of research in UK higher education institutions, and the 2021 results confirm Edinburgh’s position as a world leader

Read more: REF2021: excellent results for the School of Health in Social Science

A group of students sit on the steps outside McEwan Hall, smiling whilst conversing

The discipline of Clinical and Health Psychology is focused on the development, understanding, and intervention for psychological difficulties across all stages of life.

A pair of students sit on the edge of the Salisbury Crags, looking out over the city as the sun sets in the distance

Since its inception in 2000, Counselling and Psychotherapy has emerged as a premier institution in Scotland for postgraduate education, training, and research in Counselling Studies.

A group of nursing students are being shown how to use medical equipment in one of their clinical elective classes

As an academic discipline Nursing Studies encompasses a multifaceted approach to understanding healthcare delivery, patient care, and the broader implications of healthcare systems within society.

About us

Find out more about our School, our History and further information about our campus, facilities and how to get in touch. 

On these pages, you will find information relating to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion activity in the School. The School has an active EDI committee, chaired by the EDI Director, who also sits on the School’s Senior Management Committee.