First Thursday Seminar Series: 2022-23

The ‘First Thursday’ seminar series engages with innovative, creative and radical conversations about counselling and psychotherapy research and practice.

First Thursday seminar, presented by Hannah Zeavin on Thursday 13th October: 'The distance cure: COVID-19 and the future of therapeutic work'

First Thursday seminar, presented by Donata Puntil on Thursday 3rd November: 'Language matters: embodied narratives in-with-through language/s in psychotherapy'

First Thursday seminar, presented by J. Karen Serra Undurraga on Thursday 1st December: 'Betraying our best intentions: on the need to interrogate how we relate and what it produces'

First Thursday seminar, presented by Gail Boldt on Thursday 2nd February: 'The materiality of sand table play'

First Thursday seminar, presented by Nicky Haire on Thursday 2nd March: 'Humour as queer movement in music therapy'

First Thursday seminar, presented by Miltos Hadjiosif on Thursday 6th April: 'Seduction, resistance and the value of the ‘Anvil’: Finding my way into Autoethnography'