Academic Support

Programme Directors, Course Organisers, teaching teams, Academic Cohort Leads and supervisors guide students' learning experience

School leadership for learning and student support

The Director of Learning and Teaching and the Postgraduate Research Director have strategic oversight of the quality of students' learning experience and all related developments within the School.

The School’s Director of Students is responsible for ensuring appropriate support is in place for all taught students within the School. They support Academic Cohort Leads and the Student Support Team, providing guidance on complex academic, regulatory and student wellbeing concerns. 

For research students, this role is undertaken by the Postgraduate Research Director.

All three Directors are members of the School’s senior management team.

Academic support for undergraduate and taught postgraduate students

The Programme Director oversees the development and delivery of your programme of study. They are responsible for the quality of teaching and your formal learning opportunities. They will welcome you to the programme and ensure you have the information you need to engage with your studies.

You will belong to a group (or cohort) of between 80 and 120 students, usually on the same programme as you. A member of academic staff will be your Academic Cohort Lead. They will facilitate group activities to support your learning and offer you opportunities to make connections with other students. They will attend Staff Student Liaison Committee meetings.

Your Student Adviser will be your first point of contact for individual advice and support. They will work closely with your Academic Cohort Lead where complex situations arise that impact on your studies.

Course organisers and teaching teams direct your formal learning experience and provide specialist subject-related guidance. They are best placed to answer your questions on course content and assessments.

Academic support for postgraduate research students

The Programme Director oversees the development and delivery of your programme of study. They are responsible for your learning experience on the programme.

Your Supervisor is your main point of contact for academic advice and support.

The Institute for Academic Development (IAD)

Further information and support with academic skills development is offered by the Institute of Academic Development (IAD). As well as a host of resources, they run a number of online and in-person workshops and events to support study and writing skills. 

Institute for Academic Development website

The IAD webpages include a ‘study hub’ where you will find a resource section with advice on specific study skills and a blog with articles from staff and students on a range of topics and updates as to upcoming study skill events.