Contextual Mental Health Research Group

The Contextual Mental Health (CMH) research group is part of the School of Health in Social Science and we work in partnership with NHS Lothian.

HiSS - CMH logo

The CMH research group brings together multi-disciplinary researchers and practitioners who are interested in exploring the factors that influence mental health and includes clinical studies and psychological intervention trials using digital mobile devices. We are focused on understanding how factors like our environment, background and development, social interactions, living conditions, and everyday stressors contribute to shaping our mental well-being in the digital age.  

Our group is led by Matthias Schwannauer, Professor of Clinical Psychology. Our team is made up of Clinical Psychologists, Applied Psychologists, Research Associates, Research Assistants, PhD students and Clinical Psychology trainees as well as close collaborators in Education, Social Care, Psychiatry, Data and Social Science. 

We are working to build more collaborations with NHS Lothian services, schools, voluntary organisations and our community members so please get in touch if you are interested in getting involved.

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Our Projects: