PATHS Research Group explore the interconnections – the ‘paths’ – between public health, the arts, theory, and sociology. Exploring the application of our research to policy and practice is also important to what we do. Specifically, we are interested in the role of society and sociological theories in discussions and issues connected to the field of ‘arts and health’. This includes sociological exploration of the arts and health field itself (e.g., the institutions, networks, and people that constitute the field) and the artistic practices and programmes delivered in view of public health discourses and structures.The group is based in the School of Health in Social Science at the University of Edinburgh. We work across the university and with a wide range of external partners, nationally and internationally. We also have close connections with the Edinburgh Centre for Research on the Experience of Dementia (ECRED), Binks Hub, Advanced Care Research Centre, Music in Human and Social Development Research Group (MHSD) and Centre for Creative-Relational Inquiry (CCRI). The group was created and founded by Dr Katey Warran.Find out more by visiting the PATHS Research Group website or joining the group's mailing list.Our projects includeCo-constructing a Sociology of Arts and HealthIMAGINED: Investigating Meaning-making and the cocreation of Guidelines for Evaluation IN participatory Arts for DementiaCHASER: Research Collaboration and Evaluation through Healing Arts ScotlandWe-EngAGE: Wellbeing, Engagement, AgeingCommunity arts & careCREATE Dance for Dementia: Cocreating a REsearch Agenda To facilitate Equitable Dance for DementiaNigeria-Scotland Arts ExchangeDance/Connect (past project) Find out more about our research group