YARNS Transitions (Young Adults Rehabilitation experiences and Needs following Stroke)

YARNS Transitions (Young Adults Rehabilitation experiences and Needs following Stroke) is a project working to develop a nurse-led, holistic, neurological rehabilitation intervention which supports the psychosocial rehabilitation and survivorship of young adults following an Acquired Brain Injury (ABI).

Brain injury as a result of a bleed, clot or trauma (accident) can lead to a person experiencing physical and behavioral changes. These may appear as changes in the way a person moves, speaks, thinks, remembers and behaves. Such changes can affect all parts of their life, from their work and family life, to their social and economic prospectives.  

HiSS - YARNS logo

The impact on adults between 18-45 varies but it might affect their relationships, work and personal life. As such, people with ABI need person-centred support to navigate the challenges of their rehabilitation process. Evidence indicates that nurses are in an ideal position to support people in their journeys. As such, nurse-led interventions for young people with ABI could be a more effective rehabilitation path. 

YARNS Transitions is working to develop rehabilitation approaches using the expertise of those with brain injury. This will provide nurses with ways to support and enable young people (18-45) who have experienced a brain injury to progress and adapt through their rehabilitation journey and move on with their lives. 

The project comprises of three parts (also called work packages): 

  1. A review of what is published about psychosocial approaches to rehabilitation of young people who have experienced an Acquired Brain Injury (ABI).  
  2. An evaluation of the different approaches used for 18-45 year olds post-ABI, using a case study approach across countries within the UK (Scotland, England, Northern Ireland and Wales). 
  3. The development of psychosocial interventions, delivered by nurses, which support the rehabilitation and survivorship of young adults following an Acquired Brain Injury (ABI). 

Funded by: RCN Foundation in partnership with SameYou 


The first YARNS project looked to understand the range of experiences of young adults (18 – 45) who had experienced a stroke through their own stories, and compare this to the published scientific and clinical literature on the subject.