View our previous events from 2019 across the School of Health in Social Science. This is us exhibition The week commencing Monday 21st October marks the opening of the School of Health in Social Science art exhibition and research showcase. Within and beyond ‘The Field’- artful entanglements with each other and what matters Westwood and Linnell trace the arc of an ongoing inquiry, in collaboration with other human and non-human actors, from their 2007 exhibition with Suzanne Perry and Josephine Pretorius (see Linnell, Perry, Pretorius and Westwood, 2019) through to their current collaborations, together and apart. They note how the agency of materials and places becomes increasingly insistent in their work. HiSS Winter Fair for Research Policy & Practice 2019 The Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research and Policy (SCPHRP) will be hosting an event to bring third sector, industry, government and healthcare organisations together with staff and students in the School of Health in Social Science. Join us for a fun and interactive fair, which aims to connect organisations doing work that may be of interest to staff and students. Autoethnography as a research approach: an introduction An Invitation to this participative workshop with Professor Jonathan Wyatt Self Defence Workshops for PGR students New self-defence workshop for School of Health PGR students,Sign up to get empowered and feel safer by learning a few basic self-defence strategies Let's Gather: Coffee and Cake 2019/20 Artisan Roast Coffee and Cake is back for 2019/20! The School of Health in Social Science Postgraduate Open Day 2019 Registration to attend this event is essential. Children and Animals: Pet Science for Kids Join us for a fun and interactive workshop where children will learn about animals and the environment. (In)visible women: making more visible the woman in the body through audio-stories An Invitation to experience an audio-story installation. Information session: completing the IRAS application form A brief overview of the IRAS system including an update on the new R&D process: Organisation Information Pack. School of Health in Social Science Welcome Event 2019/20 Let's Get Social! The first School of Health in Social Science's Let's Gather community event of 2019/20. Book Festival: Only as Happy as our Unhappiest Child Building resilience in children. Brown Bag Discussion Challenges and opportunities for intervening with young novice drivers. Guest speaker: Dr Jessica Hafetz Mirman Dumbing Down Trauma? The Cabaret of Dangerous Ideas returns to the 2019 Fringe Festival and so does Matthias Schwannauer for his show "Dumbing Down Trauma?" Digital technology and psychosis: what’s happening now? A highly participative afternoon that will feature presentations, discussion and the chance to help direct the development of future tech. CADP Seminar with Campbell Paul, recipient of Alexander McCall Smith's Isabel Dalhousie Fellowship You are invited to our seminar with Associate Professor Campbell Paul, recipient of Alexander McCall Smith's Isabel Dalhousie Fellowship. Book Festival: Nathan Filer & Helen Thomson Analysing The Brain's Functions An event focusing on the power, and tragedy, of the mind. We also asked for love: Gay men’s narrative portraits of resilience and resistance Supported by the National Lottery through Creative Scotland, this project creates a new body of work based on the concept of 'narrative portraiture'. Visual artist Eleonora Scalise responds to research conducted by Dr Edgar Rodríguez-Dorans (Research Fellow at the Centre for Creative-Relational Inquiry) with ten gay men from different ages and backgrounds. The resulting narrative portraiture artwork is inspired by anonymous interviews with gay men. We also asked for love, a seminar on imagined portraits This seminar introduces the concept of ‘imagined portraits’ as a collaboration between arts and social sciences. Understanding self-harm through art and words: end of project event Amy Chandler, and Zoi Simopoulou invite you to join them at their end of project event, where they will share insights and findings from a recently completed research project which used art-based discussion groups to explore meanings of self-harm. Book Festival: Yasmin Rahman: The Power of Friendship Come prepared for a sophisticated, sensitive event that explores different points of view, mental health in a digital world and finding the strength and happiness to survive. Let's Gather - Summer Barbecue This event is open to all School of Health in Social Science students and staff, and your families. ECRED Informal Research Group Dementia researchers, people living with dementia and other interested parties gather to discuss current research themes; to share and discuss papers and individual working drafts; and to identify ECRED Informal list. CCRI First Thursday Seminar Series: 2018-19 The ‘First Thursday’ seminar series engages with innovative, creative and radical conversations about counselling and psychotherapy research and practice. American Relational Psychoanalysis Reading Group This reading group will provide an introduction to the key concepts, theorists, and techniques associated with American Relational Psychoanalysis. The everyday lives of LGBTQ peoples A reading group to explore what it means to think about LGBTQ individuals. Staff GDPR drop-in Confused about GDPR or what to do with your research data? Come to our drop-in session with Data Protection Officer Rena Gertz. Workwell Kansas: a comprehensive workplace wellness intervention Elizabeth Ablah, PhD, MPH is from the Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health at the University of Kansas School of Medicine. She will discuss a comprehensive worksite wellness initiative she has developed, WorkWell KS, that emphasizes policy, systems, and environmental changes. Creative-relational research in progress monthly sessions This will be a monthly session for staff and research students in the Centre for Creative-Relational Inquiry and guests from across the University beyond, to use in any way that suits them to support their projects. The session can be used for very “traditional” presentations, followed by questions and feedback, but it can also be as experimental and/or participatory as necessary, including workshops, tests, focused groups, performative lectures, or occasionally visits to relevant locations. A single session could be devoted to one project, or divided into parts to focus on different projects. Netsafe Talk: Online Harms and Regulation We are delighted to invite you to a presentation by Neil Melhuish, Director of Policy at Netsafe. CCRI Synesthesia Workshops The idea of this series of workshops is to generate transformations from one discipline to another. Each session will be an alchemical process of group inspiration, creation and collective reflection. FEELS Exhibition:Break Free, Experience, Connect This May! FEELS Exhibition is BACK as part of the Scottish Mental Health Arts Festival 2019! The exhibition will be upgraded in the bright and airy gallery space at Edinburgh Palette, Gallery 2 HiSS Research Methods Community: June These sessions are open to students and staff across the School and will focus is on learning and supporting each other in regards to research methods. #WhyWeDoResearch Twitter Chat Join @gearoidbrennan in his Twitter chat as part of the #WhyWeDoResearch Campaign! Let's Gather: Real Talk Join us for an evening exploring mental health storytelling. "What is Health in Social Science?" PGR Conference 2019 Come and join us for a showcase of the ongoing work at the School of Health in Social Science! Synthesising qualitative studies: an overview of approaches and when to use them In the session, Dr Ruth Jepson will provide an overview of the main approaches including thematic synthesis and meta-ethnography and provide guidance on which approach to use when. Digital Behavioural Analysis Join Chad Steel from George Mason University for a seminar on Digital Behavioural Analysis. Can we talk about depression? Depression is the world’s predominant mental health problem and despite the work done to date, scientists are still plagued by unanswered questions. Who is more likely to become depressed? How do we diagnose it? And perhaps most importantly, how do we treat it? Join Dr Stella Chan at The Cuckoo’s Nest, as part of the Pint of Science Festival, to explore the causes of depression and how science might show us the path to happiness Housing as a Key Determinant of Health for Older LGBT Populations This presentation offers an overview of the issue of housing as a key determinant of health based on ongoing research from the EU to the Canadian context. Counselling and Psychotherapy Postgraduate Research Conference 'Troubling Emergence: views from the field' Only Connect: Child and Adolescent Mental Health in Scotland In this talk, Professor Richards will reflect on the importance of relationships in childhood and the way in which their protective function echoes through effective service delivery and development. Let's Gather: Coffee and Cake 2019 Artisan Roast Coffee and Cake is back for 2019! Networking lunch- internet use and technology The Centre for Applied Developmental Psychology would like to invite you to a networking lunch on safer internet and technology use for mental health and wellbeing. Let's Gather: Therapets After last years wonderfully successful Therapets session with Canine Concern Scotland, we will be holding another one this April! Lucy Weir: Bodies in Crisis? Rethinking gender and self-injury in performance This seminar will explore some of the key questions emerging from Lucy's new research project, which aims to challenge and reframe established readings of self-injury in both mainstream and subcultural performance. Young People Growing up in Care: Origins, Experiences and Outcomes You are invited to attend this forthcoming seminar hosted by the Centre for Applied Developmental Psychology at the University of Edinburgh Visual illness narratives: Agnese Sile, ECA This seminar will focus on the significance of photographic representations of illness narratives within the field of medical humanities and draw attention to possible new modes of expressing and communicating a lived illness experience. Listening with your Eyes: An Interactive Drama Workshop This drama workshop will practically explore the many ways in which we make connections. Heavier than Air For this event, ‘Heavier than Air’ becomes part of the Festival of Creative Learning at the University of Edinburgh as a theatre play-public lecture in which performing arts are used as a medium to communicate research in an accessible way to a wider audience.