Coursework Extensions and Exceptional Circumstances

Students with exceptional circumstances may apply for a coursework extension to an assignment deadline and for Exceptional Circumstances support

If you are experiencing circumstances beyond your control that are having an adverse impact on your academic performance, you can apply for an extension and/or exceptional circumstances online via the Assessment Support Tool. You will be able to access the system via MyEd as well as via the website.

The website has a dedicated ‘Applying for support’ page that will guide you through all steps of the application process. 

Coursework Extensions

  • You can apply up to 3 times per academic year
  • Each extension application can cover assessments during a period of 4 calendar days
  • Extensions to deadlines will normally be for 4 calendar days
  • You can apply up to 10 days before the deadline for the assessment
  • You must apply before the deadline for the assessment
  • School staff are not permitted to authorise extensions
  • Requests will be instantly approved if they meet the criteria

Exceptional Circumstances

  • You can apply as many times as you need to
  • Each application can cover multiple assessments within the same semester
  • You will need to provide supporting evidence for your application
  • You can apply up to 10 days before the deadline for the assessment
  • You must apply before your School’s Exceptional Circumstances deadline

The University’s Exceptional Circumstances service will decide whether exceptional circumstances applications are accepted or not.  The Board of Examiners for your programme of study will decide on any action to be taken on accepted applications. The options open to Boards of Examiners are outlined in the Exceptional Circumstances Policy.

Extra Time Learning Adjustments

  • Extra Time Learning Adjustments are available if you have a registered learning adjustment with Disability and Learning Support Service that permits extra time on submissions
  • Learning adjustments are requested through the Extra Time Adjustment Tool (go to the ’Disability support’ page within your MyEd student account)

Your Student Adviser and/or Student Support team in your School are your first point of contact should you wish to discuss your circumstances with them, access wider support from the University, and if you need help submitting your application.