Exams and Assessments

Information about exams, results and submitting your work electronically

Exam information

Current and future exam diet dates:

Frequently Asked Questions regarding exams:

Results release dates

Publication of awards:

For students graduating in Summer 2024 - 12 noon on 17th June 2024

Publication of progression decisions:

For continuing students - 12 noon on 2nd July 2024

As you work towards completion of your degree programme, we recommend that you take a little time to familiarise yourself with the regulations that govern assessment in the University, and the sources of support that the University has in place if you have queries or concerns about your own result.

Assessment regulations

The University's Taught Assessment Regulations govern how undergraduate and postgraduate courses and programmes are assessed.

These Regulations also include links to the University’s Common Marking Scheme which is applied for all the School’s assessed work, including examinations.

Degree regulations

The University’s regulations governing undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes in 2022-23 can be found at:

Academic appeals

The University has in place a process for an Academic Appeal, following the release of results. An Appeal is a request for a decision made by a Board of Examiners relating to marks, progression, degree classification and/or degree award to be reconsidered.

It is important to note that the appeal process cannot be used to challenge academic judgement. That is, you cannot submit an appeal simply because you believe that you deserve a better mark. There are specific grounds under which an Academic Appeal may be submitted. These are set out in the relevant university Academic Appeal Regulations.

If you are considering lodging an appeal, it is important that you act promptly.

The School strongly recommends that if you are considering submitting an Academic Appeal you should first study the guidance on the Appeals webpages, then contact the Students’ Association Advice Place, where trained advisers can offer guidance and support.

There are several ways you receive formative feedback in the School, some of which are described on the poster to the right. These may vary by programme and course.

Formative feedback is a really useful way to help you do your best in your summative (graded) assignments, which is why it's important you take the time to read through, and ask questions if necessary, on formative feedback.

If you have any questions, please contact your course organiser.

For more information on understanding feedback, see Enhancing Feedback.

Infographic on formative feedback. Text reads: How can I get formative feedback? Point one: Tutorials, seminars (for example presentations). Point two: collaborative work and peer-assessment. Point three: Self-assessment. Point four: Discussing assessment plans or feedback with your course tutor. Point five: formative assessments. Point six: Presentations - doing your own and learning from others. Point seven: Discussing good academic practice, study skills and academic progress with your personal tutor. If

Adhering to good academic practice principles is essential for all work that you produce while at University. Learn about academic integrity and good academic practice with this short, interactive training session. It takes about 20 minutes to complete and is worth every minute of your time!

Further information and support with academic skills development is offered by the Institute of Academic Development, including further information and resources regarding good academic practice.

Our College Academic Misconduct Officer has prepared this essential guide to Academic Expectations and what happens when students' work is investigated for academic misconduct: