This study investigates the interpersonal dynamics and psychosocial processes happening in young people to draw a picture of the mechanisms that lead to positive mental health outcomes. Image This study investigates the interpersonal dynamics and psychosocial processes happening in adolescence and contributing to mental health and wellbeing in young people in clinical (EPIC-A) and non-clinical (Day2Day) populations. This study relies on the Experience Sampling Methodology (ESM) which is a diary technique aimed at sampling people’s behavior several times a day through short questionnaires sent to participants’ smartphones through an application (m-path Sense). This study also aims to compare young people from clinical and community settings using the same methodology to characterise the pathways leading to resilience and wellbeing in adolescence. The goal is to draw a comprehensive picture of the mechanisms leading to positive mental health outcomes and wellbeing in young people and consequently inform prevention and intervention programs and clinical practice. Eligible participants for EPIC-A and Day2Day studies are young people aged between 12 and 18 years old. We are recruiting: Young people from local secondary schools in Edinburgh OR Young people attending CAMHS local services. What does the study involve? The study consists for young people in completing: Completing a survey during school time or at a scheduled time in the clinic. 1 week of ESM monitoring using an app called m-path Sense What do we offer in return? For Schools: Mental health and wellbeing workshop (during a class period) Report from study results per class For CAMHS Service Users: Personalised feedback Compensation Get in touch Meet the Team Professor Matthias Schwannauer (PI) Koraima Sotomayor-Enriquez (PhD candidate) Fatene Akbar Ismail Dr Simona Di Folco Islay Barne (PhD candidate) Klara Hagspiel (Research Assistant) Rithika Yogeshwarun (Research Assistant) Sarah Gilchrist (DClin) Connie McKeand (DClin) Lucy Jacques (DClin)