PhD Students

PhD students at the Edinburgh Centre for Research on the Experience of Dementia.

Xiaoyang Li ECRED photo

Xiaoyang Li 

Nursing Studies FT

'Identifying support and training needs of the formal and informal caregivers of the people living with dementia in different care settings in China: a qualitative study.' (First supervisor Dr Sarah Rhynas) (Jan 2021 - )

Martha Pollard ECRED image

Martha Pollard

Part time Alzheimer Scotland PhD Studentship Psychology

‘Exploring the role of relationships in living with dementia.’ (January 2019 - )

Rosie Vincent ECRED image

Rose Vincent

Full time Alzheimer Society studentship

‘The experience of reciprocal relationships for people with early-onset dementia.’ (Feb 2020 - )

Valeria Lembo




Nikos Tsogkas


'A Phenomenological Study of Transactional Analysis for Grief: Exploring therapists’ and clients’ lived experience.' (First supervisor Seamus Prior) (2020 - )


Moniq Muyargas


'Navigating and Negotiating Identity while Aging: Narratives of Aging Gay Men and Lesbians for Health Social Justice.' (First supervisor Seamus Prior) (2021 - )


Victoria Barber-Fleming


'How does (clinical stage of) frailty relate to older adults' preferences for health care interventions?' (First supervisor Prof Gillian Mead MVM) (Sept 2021 - )


Anna Bryan

ACRC Studentship FT

'The impact of music in care settings.' (First supervisor Dr Tom Russ, PPLS) (Sept 2021 - )


Yoni LeFevre

Global Health Joint Studentship KULeuven-UOE

'Longing For: A design-led exploration of intimacy and sexual expression within the context of residential care for individuals of advanced age with high support needs.' (First Supervisor Niels Hendricks, KULeuven) (Sept 2022 - )


Sasha Lewis-Jackson

ACRC Studentship FT

'The use of restrictive practices with people with diminished capacity in care settings.' (Sept 2022 - )