
The CHIH is proud to jointly host a seminar series with Heriot-Watt University’s Institute for Social Policy, Housing and Equalities Research (I-SPHERE). Held monthly, these free online seminars provide a supportive forum to share and discuss the implications of recent research and policy developments in housing/homelessness, health, and related fields.

I-SPHERE is one the UK’s leading social and housing policy research centres and is renowned for its specialist expertise and policy impact in homelessness, housing, poverty and destitution. CHIH and I-SPHERE have combined forces for the seminar series given their shared passion for understanding and redressing the extreme inequalities and injustices affecting some of society’s most marginalised populations.

The seminars are of interest to practitioners, policy makers, academics, and students alike. Presentations are recorded for the benefit of anyone unable to join live. 

Current Programme of Events:

Applying a ‘missingness’ lens to healthcare for inclusion health populations

Professor Andrea Williamson, University of Glasgow

October 21 2024 | 11:00 - 12:15

Housing, health, and policy coherence

Dr Amy Clair, University of Adelaide

November 26 2024 | 10:00 - 11:15