INCLUDED: Exploring Ways to Include People with Advanced Dementia as Co-Researchers Through the Arts

INCLUDED is a 9-month project that explores how we can include people with a more advanced dementia as co-researchers. We will be holding a series of research workshops that bring together people living with dementia, artists, policymakers and other key stakeholders, to explore how we can include people with a more advanced dementia as co-researchers through creative and arts-based methods.

Artwork by Willy Gilder

Background to the project

Over the last 20 years, the inclusion of people living with dementia as co-researchers has become more commonplace. However, despite this shift, this co-research rarely includes people living with a more advanced dementia, where people may experience a greater deficit in memory and have difficulties in their ability to communicate using words.

There is little discussion about how people with advanced dementia might be able to influence the direction of research in a way that is meaningful for them.

What we are doing

Through a series of workshops, we will encourage discussion and explore ways to include people living with a more advanced dementia in research as co-researchers using creative and arts-based methods.

Workshop 1 explores ethical dilemmas as we ask the question: “Can it be Ethical to Exclude People with a more Advanced Dementia as Co-Researchers?”

Workshop 2 explores how we can use creative and arts based methods to understand what is important to people with a more advanced dementia.

Workshop 3 will ask the question: “What does Co-Research Mean when Working with People with a More Advanced Dementia?”

Workshop 4 will involve developing a creative vision for future research with people living with a more advanced dementia as co-researchers.

Join us

The first workshop takes place on Wednesday 24th May 2023 at the Festival Theatre in Edinburgh. Workshop 2 Friday 30th June 2023 and Workshop 3 at the end of August 2023. Dates and venues are yet to be confirmed. The final workshop will take place online at the end of September 2023.

If you are interested in being part of the workshops, please contact Dr Frankie Greenwood.


INCLUDED is funded by the Royal Society of Edinburgh and is a Collaboration between ECRED and The BINKS Hub