MSc Psychological Therapies

The MSc Psychological Therapies programme provides students with advanced knowledge and critical understanding of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT).

Name MSc Psychological Therapies
Start Date September
Mode of Study 2 years full-time
Programme Director Gillian Radford

This programme is also available to study part-time basis: MSc Psychological Therapies (Part Time)

Please check the postgraduate Degree Finder to see the specific entry requirements, start date and application deadlines. 

Our full-time programme is aimed at recent graduates or those looking for a change in career, who do not hold a core clinical qualification or equivalent. There is a special, but not exclusive, focus on children, young people and vulnerable adults.  

Teaching is delivered through a mixture of workshops, lectures and seminars, individual and peer supervision, delivered using a blend of on campus and remote delivery, supplemented by individual and group online tasks. Learning is collaborative, experiential and strikes a balance between information-sharing, skills-building, and critical methods of teaching.   

Students must have access to a suitable client group to undertake the programme. Placements to achieve this can be offered via the Centre for Psychological Therapies.

Graduates of the programme are eligible to make individual applications for accreditation with British Association of Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapists (BABCP). 

Why study this programme?

Each year, mental health problems such as anxiety and depression will affect 1 in 4 people, including 1 in 10 children, at an anticipated global cost of $6T by 2030. Psychological therapies, especially cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), provide a safe, effective solution to many of our most common mental health problems.  

This programme provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the theory and practice of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Students will learn from expert practitioners who provide both theoretical foundations and practical skills, emphasizing treatment fidelity and ethical practice standards in therapeutic interventions. 

Although the programme is not currently professionally accredited, individual courses are accredited by UK professional bodies, ensuring high quality standards and recognition by employers post-qualification.  

The programme as a whole is not currently professionally accredited and therefore does not guarantee individual accreditation. However, depending on course choices, graduates may be eligible for accreditation with the British Association of Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapists (BABCP) and/or ​Interpersonal Psychotherapy UK Network (IPT-UK) and therefore can make individual applications for accreditation with BABCP. 

If you are interested in obtaining a professional qualification to practise as a clinical psychologist, please see our Doctorate in Clinical Psychology: 


Beyond the programme

Graduates can expect to gain employment in clinical services or private practice as mental health practitioners. The programme has close links with the NHS and community organisations, ensuring that students learn in a clinically-informed context. Depending on course choices, graduates may be eligible for accreditation with the BABCP and/or IPT-UK. 

If you have not reached level of experience for full accreditation, employers are often willing to support continued practice towards accreditation. Our accrediting bodies are recognised across the UK and have reciprocal arrangements with some EU and international accrediting bodies.  

With accreditation, graduates can work with clients. Responsible clinical practice always includes regular skilled supervision, and we recommend that all graduates ensure they have supervision in place irrespective of the sector they practice in. 

Further Study Opportunities

We offer intermittent CPD sessions open to practitioners. Our graduates are welcome to attend these events, which contribute to maintaining accreditation and lifelong renewal of skills.