Care-Experience Research Edinburgh Hub (CAREHub)

CAREhub is a group for students and staff, researchers and practitioners interested in the wellbeing of care-experienced young people. 

HiSS CADP CAREhub logo

We are particularly interested in how psychological theories of attachment, trauma and resilience can be used to understand better the needs of children and young people whose lives are impacted by early trauma and removal into care, in order to help them thrive. 

The group meets on a regular basis to discuss research, support colleagues, and to organise and deliver events for the wider community of practitioners and care-experienced young people.

CAREHub Seminar Series 

CAREHub provides a regular webinar series, open to fellow academics, practitioners and members of the public. The events are free to attend and provide a forum for sharing new innovations in research and practice with care-experienced children and young people.

Join our mailing list to get further information