Inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement, this group aims to create a space for all of us to learn, discuss, reflect, and actively work towards equality, diversity, and social justice within academia.
ConveRACEions is a project set up by PhD students in the School, in collaboration with Dr Rosie Stenhouse and supported by the School of Health in Social Science Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Committee. This initiative aims to discuss and dismantle barriers to racial equality, as well as ways of moving forward.
ConveRACEions involves a series of monthly talks, where guest speakers are invited to give one-hour-long talks on their research and/or experiences with racial and equality issues within (and outside) academia. In 2021, this project was supported by the Social Responsibility and Sustainability Student Project Grant. In 2022 and 2023, this project was supported by alumni and friends of the University of Edinburgh through the Student Experience Grants scheme.
The events are open to everyone, and are designed as an accessible, safe and respectful environment to present thoughts and ideas, as a way of actively working towards racial equality and social justice.
ConveRACEions is a PGR-led initiative that hosts semi-regular events focusing on issues of racial (in)equality within and beyond academia. See here for more information on all of our events, both old and new!