Stories of Empowerment

Sharing the voices of lived experience researchers from our co-produced projects. We conducted creative workshops and interviews to make a new film to spotlight the value of co-production for those living with dementia.


Traditional research approaches often exclude those living with dementia. We know from our research at ECRED that those living with dementia can be research leaders and that this enables empowerment. In this project, we aimed to:

  1. Provide opportunities for those living with dementia who have been involved in our research to creatively express their stories of engagement.
  2. Collate these creative expressions into ‘Stories of Empowerment’ in the form of a short film.
  3. Share these stories widely

We hope that by sharing these stories, we can work towards reducing stigma and ensuring that coproduction is at the heart of dementia research.

Watch the film created through the project below:



We have also created a version of the film without background music. If you would prefer to watch this version, please click here.



This project is funded by a University of Edinburgh CAHSS Knowledge Exchange and Impact Grant