Nursing Studies

The University of Edinburgh has a long tradition of preparing graduate nurses. As an academic discipline Nursing Studies encompasses a multifaceted approach to understanding healthcare delivery, patient care, and the broader implications of healthcare systems within society.

Nursing Studies at the University of Edinburgh has played a prominent role in shaping nursing education and research across Europe. Established in 1956, Nursing Studies became Europe’s first university-based centre for nursing education and research.

From 1971 to 1994, Scotland's government-funded Nursing Research Unit operated within the department, strengthening its national and international reputation as a major centre for research in nursing.

As well as the undergraduate programme that leads to registration as a nurse (adult branch), the department offers a range of taught and research postgraduate programmes, MSc/Diplomas to PhD, that may be taken on a full or a part-time basis.

Our Programmes

Undergraduate Programmes

Postgraduate Research Programmes

Our Research

The Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research and Policy

SCPHRP’s vision promotes Scotland as a leader in public-health intervention research for equitable health improvement through catalysing strong researcher/research-user collaborations that ensure timely, robust, policy relevant research that is created with – and used by - key decision-makers. SCPHRP was established to encourage and facilitate collaborations between all sectors of the public health community in Scotland.

Centre for Homelessness and Inclusion Health

CHIH are a collaboration between the University of Edinburgh and local partners in Scotland to improve the health and wellbeing of people who experience homelessness. CHIH and the organisations and individuals affiliated with it aim to better understand, prevent, and redress health inequalities affecting inclusion health populations. They share particular expertise in issues associated with homelessness and related forms of deep social exclusion.

Explore more about Nursing Studies:

Our focus extends beyond the clinical aspects of nursing practice to include research, education, leadership, and advocacy. Learn about what we are doing to elevate and strengthen the influence and impact of nurses and nurse communities around the world.

In 2026 we will celebrate 70 years of world-class nursing education. Find out more about the close-knit, student and staff nursing community at the University of Edinburgh.