Nursing workforce crisis looms as expected six million shortfall will be increased by more than four million nurses retiring by 2030

Professor Jim Buchan, an EGNI Advisor, was the lead author of this new report and policy response.

Up to 4.7 million nurses worldwide are expecting to retire by 2030. New report reveals strategies that must be adopted to help them continue in work and keep health services running. 

The report, by the International Centre on Nurse Migration (ICNM), the International Council of Nurses (ICN), and CGFNS International, Inc., provides a ten-point plan for supporting older nurses in their work.

Lead author Professor James Buchan, adjunct professor at the WHO Collaborating Centre at the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia, said:

“We need to improve the retention of older nurses, otherwise we risk losing the most experienced members of the profession at a time when the pandemic has exposed the risk of global nursing shortages.

‘Whereas the overwhelming shortage of nurses worldwide by 2030 will be in low- and middle-income countries, developed countries need to wake up to the fact that 17% of their nursing workforces, that’s 4.7 million nurses, will be considering taking retirement over the next decade.

‘Policies need to be in place to enable individual nurses to ‘age well’, in parallel with policies aimed at overall retention and support of older nurses to be active members of the profession.”

Read the full report here