Support Us

Learn more about how you can support this global work. Together we can raise the profile of nursing and enable nurses and midwives to work to their full potential. 

Health worker giving an injection

 Support us: empower a profession 

Nurses and midwives exist at the forefront of healthcare globally.

Every day, nursing professionals are transforming the lives of those in need, pioneering the way in which we deliver care.  Yet the fact still remains today that the role of nurses and midwives as caring pioneers, scientists and influencers is widely under-recognised.

Unless you have benefitted personally from the expert care of a nursing or midwifery professional, you may not fully understand the breadth of expertise and knowledge that nurses bring to health, care, and recovery.

The Edinburgh Global Nursing Initiative aims to shine a light on nursing and midwifery across the world, helping to elevate the profession and the impact of individual nursing practitioners. 

In particular, we focus our efforts on areas of greatest health and social care need – particularly low and middle income countries – where the health workforce and health systems may be in development and impacted by global injustices, disease outbreaks, poverty and conflict. 

Baby in a weighing scale

How can you help?

There is an urgent need globally to raise the profile of nursing and enable nurses to work to their full potential.

We are determined to achieve this but cannot do it alone. We work in partnership with individuals and organisations across the globe to support nurses to tackle endemic health issues within challenging communities.

With your support we could improve health, promote gender equality and support economic growth globally through innovative nursing initiatives.

Just some ways you could help are:

  • Fund global scholarships for nurses to advance their expertise, remotely in their community or at Edinburgh. 
  • Help us with the costs to develop new healthcare curriculum and online programmes for nurses and midwives, supporting them to develop as leaders and healthcare advocates. 
  • Help us to deliver innovative research and evaluation to further the evidence base around the impact of nursing – by funding academic posts, PhDs and research projects, and collaborating on projects.
  • Help us to grow our network of global healthcare leaders and advocates to raise awareness of issues affecting nursing professionals, and bring attention to key healthcare issues in the countries most in need.

If you can help us, we’d welcome a conversation to explore how we could work together.

Please contact Rachel Bruce, Philanthropy Manager,