Making a Donation

The Centre for Psychological Therapies is a charity and donations will be invited for sessions at the discretion of the individual.

The University of Edinburgh Development Trust administers all donations in aid of the University of Edinburgh, including the Centre for Psychological Therapies. The Development Trust will administer any donation you may make and ensure it gets straight to the Centre to support our work to improve the mental health of children and young people across Edinburgh and the Lothians. 

There are a few different ways to get your donation to us:  

1. Online 

You can donate online at 

You can also use this link to set-up a recurring gift via Direct Debit. 

2. Bank Transfer 

You can pay your donation directly into our Bank of Scotland account via the details below: 

BankBank of Scotland 
Address300 Lawnmarket, Edinburgh, EH1 2PH 
Account nameUniv of Edin Dev Trust B
Sort code80-02-24
Account number00423592
IBANGB32 BOFS 8002 2400 4235 92

Please use ‘ctr4psych’ followed by your surname in the reference field and email to confirm your donation is in aid of the Centre for Psychological Therapies. 

3. Post 

If you are writing a cheque or sending a CAF voucher, please make it payable to “The University of Edinburgh Development Trust” and write Centre for Psychological Therapies on the back of your cheque / CAF voucher. Send your donation to: 


Please note, 'UNIVERSITY REPLY' must be in capitals. There's no need to include our address - it will make its way to us just as it is. 


Thank you again for your support and please do not hesitate to get in touch if you would like more information or assistance.