Nurses and midwives as drivers of change ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Learn more about our approach and what we are doing to elevate and strengthen the influence and impact of nurses and nurse communities around the world.

Programmes and Activities

We lead and support a range of initiatives around the world. Learn more about our current research and activity.

Our Collaboration

The Edinburgh Global Nursing Initiative is a collaboration between Nursing Studies and the Global Health Academy at the University of Edinburgh. 

Support Us: Empower a Profession

Learn more about how you can support this global work. Together we can raise the profile of nursing and enable nurses and midwives to work to their full potential. 

Global Health and the SDGs

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals provide a blueprint for addressing global challenges. Read more about how they shape our work.

Nursing Studies

Nursing Studies at the University of Edinburgh – Top teaching and first-class research for over 60 years.

Global Health Academy

Supporting the creation, curation and implementation of global health knowledge across a diverse global community.