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Real Talk: Storying Mental Health in the Community Seminar

Alette Willis, PhD and Lily Asch

After two storytelling workshops, participants perform their story to the community and participate in a moderated discussion with the audience that invites everyone to talk openly about mental health.  The objectives of Real Talk are to empower people to claim and tell their own story and to excavate and amplify counter-narratives to the stigmatising ones that circulate in society.  Lily Asch, founder of Real Talk, will share the story that started it all.  'Alette Willis, Storyteller in Residence and School of Health Lecturer, will discuss how sharing stories like these can change society.' 

Everyone is welcome and there's no need to book. Contact: for further info


For those who are interested in getting an first-hand experience of Real Talk, tickets can be booked for a Real Talk performance at the Scottish Storytelling Centre from 7:30-9:30 after the seminar: