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Brown Bag Discussion

Our brown bag seminar series is an interactive forum for subject matter experts to provide their thoughts about research, policy and practice in areas surrounding public health. Cutting-edge and controversial opinions are welcome!

Challenges and opportunities for intervening with young novice drivers, with guest speaker SCPHRP's Dr Jessica Hafetz Mirman.

Dr. Jessica Hafetz Mirman conducts basic and translational research related to transportation safety for children, young and novice drivers, and drivers with developmental disabilities. She is currently the lead Investigator of a 5 year US NIH funded randomized controlled trial of 1,200 families evaluating a comprehensive novice, young driver intervention. Over the course of her career she has developed and evaluated behavioral and technological interventions to promote transportation safety such as the TeenDrivingPlan Program and the Talking with Teens about Traffic Safety Programs and worked to extend theories of young driver behavior into new areas using computational modeling approaches. She is a standing member of the US National Academies of Sciences' Transportation Research Board (TRB) Operator and Educator Committee and its Young Driver Subcommittee.

Prior to joining SCPHRP, she was an Assistant Professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham from 2016-2019, and a scientist at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and Division of Adolescent Medicine from 2008-2016.

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