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(In)visible women: making more visible the woman in the body through audio-stories

You are invited to experience an immersive audio-story installation which has been co-designed with InTer-aCtive artist Maya Chowdhry. The audio-story, told by Edinburgh based performer Marilyn Wilson, is based on monologues constructed from the analysis of narrative interviews with six pregnant women during pregnancy and following childbirth.

The installation was designed to help participants connect on a visceral and emotional level with the story’s central character ‘Lily’. The use of headphones and the presence of objects referred to in the story encourage an immersive experience, helping the listener to imagine more vividly lily’s feelings and perspective.

The experience takes around 20 minutes and involves a six-minute audio-story followed by a short activity.

18 places are available between 1-4pm Please sign up for this event via Doodle Poll:


Sue Chowdhry

Sue Chowdhry recently completed her PhD with the School of Health in Social Science, University of Edinburgh. She is currently working as a research fellow at the Usher Institute. Her PhD explored pregnant embodiment, drawing on the stories of larger women and maternal health care professionals in a Scottish maternity care setting. Her ambition is to develop engaging and creative ways of sharing and discussing research findings through storytelling, photography and performance.