Befriending Bipolar: Accepting the unacceptable - why accepting mental illness is more powerful than fighting it

Oliver Seligman is the author of "Befriending Bipolar: a patient's perspective" and "The Broker who Broke Free." In this inspiring, challenging and humorous talk, Oliver shares what it's like to dive into the depths of insanity. Living through the chaotic highs of ecstatic manias and the downs of hellish depressions, he was absorbed in fantasy worlds, had run ins with the police and blew tens of thousands of pounds. After years of psychoses, manias and depressions he is now living a peaceful and rewarding life. In this talk he shares what has worked for him, what hasn't and perhaps most importantly, he gives hope and shares the tremendous benefits of accepting rather than fighting a mental illness.

Coffee, tea and cakes will be provided. The talk will be 45 mins long with time for questions afterwards.

This event has been funded by our School Staff & Student-Led EDI Grants. These are an annual School-funded initiative to support and encourage EDI activities within the School.