Decolonial Reflections: A Story and Art-based Workshop

The facilitators of this event are Doctorate Researchers in Counselling and Psychotherapy interested in paying attention to colonial history while making sense of lived experience. We hope to offer a community-led reflective space to engage with the often violent evocations inherent in decolonial thinking with the hope that this allows experience-near challenges to emerge and be witnessed.

We will come together to create art and write stories that bring these to life in a 2 hour experiential workshop. 

Note: You are not expected to have any prior experience of artmaking or storytelling. This is an emergent space for us to be with the challenge, and to create together. This workshop might bring up difficult emotions in relation to collective histories so please remember to look after yourself as you come into this shared space. While we will bring our own sensitivity to this conversation and will hold it in the group, it is important to note that this is not a therapy offering. 

Spaces are limited to 15 and are only open to students in the School of Health in Social Science.

This event has been funded by our School Staff & Student-Led EDI Grants. These are an annual School-funded initiative to support and encourage EDI activities within the School.