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Mental Health in Occupied Palestine

CRITIQUE and colleagues from the School of Health in Social Science and the School of Social and Political Science invite you to join us for a conversation with Dr. Samah Jabr on mental health in Palestine under occupation. Dr. Jabr is a practicing psychiatrist in the public and private sectors in East Jerusalem and the West Bank. She is currently the Head of the Mental Health Unit in the Palestinian Ministry of Health. In this conversation Dr. Jabr will address questions related to mental health under occupation and how to address them. We will explore a number questions among them ones that are related to trauma- ongoing and intergenerational, and the practice of sumud (steadfastness) as a collective response to challenges that brought by the reality of living under the occupation.

Speakers: Conversation with Dr. Samah Jabr will be facilitated by Dr. Nida Alahmad (PIR) and Rhea Gandhi (psychotherapist and PhD candidate at HiSS)