Collaging our Brexit Stories: Exploring emotional wellbeing in Brexiting Britain

CPASS Lecturer Lorena Georgiadou organised this workshop as part of the EUSA's Mental Health and Wellbeing week (11 - 15 November) with artist Tessa Wyatt.

Collaging our Brexit Stories image

It was an opportunity for those who feel affected by Brexit to express their experience through non-verbal visual art media. It was a chance to reflect on the impact that Brexit may have had on atendee's emotional well-being and mental health.

The work was then displayed as an exhibition for the remainder of the week. Lorena commented, 

"Running this workshop as part of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Week was significant in highlighting the impact that socio-political circumstances may have on people's mental wellbeing, particularly from the perspective of social inclusion and belongingness."

Feedback from participants revealed that they appreciated the arts-based nature of the workshop, which invited reflections and expressions of experiences that may not have been accessible otherwise. Participants were also appreciative of the inclusive nature of the workshop (open to anyone who feels affected by Brexit) as some sub-groups feel excluded from current discussions and movements that revolve either around EU citizens or people who voted in the Referendum.