Photovoice Exhibition

Held from 23rd to 27th January 2018, 10am-5pm at the Buchanan Galleries in Glasgow.




The Photovoice exhibition is an event following the work of an ESRC accelerator impact grant working in partnership with Alcohol Focus Scotland and community groups to look at their recovery journey.

 All project participants have lived experience of addiction and used this valuable knowledge to document their view of the impact of alcohol in Glasgow but also the positive experience created through recover and alcohol free socialising for the whole community.

 The Project is led by Dr Sarah Rhynas with Professor Aisha Holloway and Dr Lisa Scholin.  A toolkit for communities has also been developed to use the Photovoice methodology to empower and narrate their recovery journeys.

 The exhibition highlights some of the most powerful images taken over the 5 months of the project as well as some of local artists involved.