School success at 3 Minute Thesis College heat

Frankie Greenwood and Niamh MacSweeny to represent the School at the University finals of the 3MT competition!

Frankie Greenwood (winner) Niamh MacSweeney (runner-up) Rosa Mercedes Santibañez Nuñez (peoples choice)
Frankie Greenwood (winner) Niamh MacSweeney (runner-up) Rosa Mercedes Santibañez Nuñez (peoples choice)

The 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) competition requires doctoral researchers to compete to deliver the best research presentation in just 3 minutes (and one slide). It is based on a concept developed by the University of Queensland which quickly spread across Australia and New Zealand, and has gone global.

On Thursday 2nd May Frankie Greenwood and Niamh MacSweeney went up against other representatives from across the college at the CAHSS heat. They both gave concise and interesting presentations and were awarded the top two prizes in the competition, Frankie was named the winner of the heat and Niamh was prized with runner up, this means they have both gained a place at the University final alongside people's choice from ECA Rosa Mercedes Santibañez Nuñez.

Find out more about the competition final, and reserve audience tickets here

See what Niamh has to say about the competition so far: 

"Having only begun my PhD in January, I was a little hesitant to sign up for the 3MT competition initially. However, following an informal 3MT competition at another college event, my supervisor encouraged me to enter and I am so glad that I did! Participating in 3MT has been very helpful in clarifying my research questions at this early stage of my doctoral studies and has laid a strong foundation upon which to base my study design and methods. Preparing for 3MT also allowed me to engage with my research creatively and really think about the best way to communicate my research to the wider community. It's quite easy to get wrapped up in an "academic bubble" and maybe at times, lose sight of the bigger picture. Given the fact that my research topic, adolescent depression, touches the lives of so many people, taking part in 3MT and chatting to people about my research afterwards at the college heat was really inspiring. Life as a PhD student can be very hard at times but engaging with the public through events like 3MT is great motivation to keep going! 3MT has also been a lovely way to get to know more people in the School." 

"I was pleasantly surprised to make it through the University Final but I'm very much looking forward to the event in June and finding out about all the exciting research happening across the University."

Click here to watch Niamh's 3MT on Facebook


Hear about Frankie's experience of the competition and studying with us:

"I’m currently in the 4th year of my PhD in the School of Health in Social Science and writing up my thesis. My research explores the stories of people who have made meaningful connections with people in the more advanced stages of dementia who no longer use words to communicate. People in the late stages of dementia are often portrayed in our society as those who are fading away, becoming a shadow of themselves. These narratives can contribute to a sense of isolation and in some instances poor care. The aim of my research was to explore counter stories that could speak back to these dehumanising narratives and to make visible the whole humanity of the person with advanced dementia.

Doing a PhD is a complex and multi-layered process and sometimes it’s difficult to explain to others in a clear message what it is you research, why it’s important and what you have found.

Entering and preparing for the 3MT has allowed me to focus on the important and humanising message about people with advanced dementia that came out of my research interviews. It has given me the opportunity to share that message in a way that is accessible and relevant for a wide audience. It has also been a great help as I write up my thesis as it has kept my focus on what is important.

Being part of the competition and presenting alongside other inspiring PhD students who are passionate about and do such important research has been a great experience and privilege. Getting through to the University finals alongside Niamh McSweeney has made that whole experience even better!"

Click here to watch Frankie's 3MT on Facebook