Charter of Appreciation from the University of Maribor

Professor Pam Smith and Dr Rosie Stenhouse accepted a Charter of Appreciation from the University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences

Pam Smith and Rosie Stenhouse

It was awarded to the School of Health in Social Science, for successful cooperation at the Faculty's Annual Solemn Ceremony on June 13th.

Rosie tells us about the ongoing collaborative work between Nursing Studies and the University of Maribor, "Pam and I first visited the faculty in May 2015 where we undertook some teaching with undergraduate and postgraduate students, discussed potential research collaborations and visited clinical settings. Since then we have visited every year supporting the work of the Faculty and developing a strong relationship with our colleagues in Maribor, led by Professor Majda Pajnkihar, the first full professor of nursing in Slovenia."

"Pam was awarded an honorary professorship of the University of Maribor in 2018. We continue to develop our mutual research interests in collaboration with Associate Professor and Vice Dean for Research Gregor Stiglic. A memorandum of agreement (MOA) is now in place between our two universities."

"Our work has expanded to supervision of PhD students, and this year we hosted one of the undergraduate students, Patricija Luneznik, to visit for a three month Erasmus traineeship. Additionally, Rosie has co-authored papers with Gregor Stiglic (a research associate of The Usher Institute) other colleagues from the Faculty, and developed a curriculum for a psychiatric nursing specialist qualification."

Nursing Studies also hosted a group of mental health professionals from a mental health institution in Slovenia in May 2019, supported by NHS Lothian staff at the Royal Edinburgh Building who gave their time to meet with our visitors and discuss how their mental health services operated. 

All our work has been supported by the Erasmus staff mobility funding and this is evidence of how the Erasmus programme can facilitate the development of productive relations over several years. 


Blog post from undergraduate student Patricija Luneznik