The Cabaret of Dangerous Ideas: November 2020

November's CODI's featured Nursing Studies' Dr Colin Chandler.

Take three top academics, three dangerous ideas, add one comedian and it’s the force of nature that is the Cabaret of Dangerous Ideas (CODI). As part of Explorathon 2020, CODI is sixty minutes of rapid-fire research from some of the finest minds in the country.

Stroke – Finding the new normal 

Dr Colin Chandler (The University of Edinburgh) tells stories of young people who are getting their lives back after stroke. Life happens and strokes happen at any age. What determines what happens next? Why do some people move on and thrive and others get bogged down and lost? How do life goals change? What support makes a difference? And what can you do if stroke happens to you or someone you love?

Curated by the University of Edinburgh as part of Beltane Public Engagement Network and produced by Fair Pley.