Covid-19 Resources Catalogue

A group of students on the MSc in Applied Psychology for Children and Young People, have produced a Covid-19 Resources Catalogue for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services. The catalogue has now also been distributed to social work, GPs and other services within Lanarkshire as a mental health resource.

Covid19 resources cataloge image

The students, Anna Forbes-Gray, Hannah Ross, Lorna Maciver, Sarah Cousins and Stephanie Colaluca, wanted to provide a comprehensive set of resources for CAMHS clinicians to use with families. Below the students explain the process and talk about the potential impact of this resource.

“NHS Lanarkshire approached us to review what was out there and compile a resource catalogue to help make it easier for clinicians to find the right resource for the specific needs of the families they were working with.” – Hannah

“There are a huge number of resources related to Covid-19 available, so we wanted to make this easier for clinicians by compiling useful resources in one document and categorising them for ease of use.” - Anna

“This will enable colleagues across CAMHS to quickly locate useful information and resources for children and their families. They will be able to send out sections of the catalogue that are most relevant to the families that they are working with.” - Lorna

“Going forward we hope the catalogue continues to be updated with new, exciting and innovative resources and we want it to be used by anyone that might benefit from it; school teachers, parents, clinicians, GPs, health visitors, whoever!” - Sarah

“We are currently studying the Applied Psychology for Children and Young People MSc. This course is designed to enable us to become practitioners in psychological assessment and intervention for children and young people. As part of our role in doing this we often contribute to service development.” - Steph  

View the resources catalogue

Related links

NHS Lanarkshire website 

MSc in Applied Psychology (Healthcare) For Children and Young People