ICN Chief Executive visits Nursing Studies

Nursing Studies were delighted to welcome Howard Catton, the International Council of Nurses (ICN) chief executive officer (CEO) to Nursing Studies this January.

Howard met with students studying on the Masters in Advanced Nursing. Our students who hail from all corners of the globe heard about the work of the ICN and Howard's reflections on his career in nursing, choices, opportunities and highlights.

Howard also explained the ICN's partnership with the Nursing Now campaign and what he and his colleagues are doing in 2020 to mark the International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife.

There was an opportunity for a Q&A session where students focused their questions on developing their political leadership, influencing global policy and how best they can network and engage with other colleagues around the world.

It was a wonderful day for the students and for Nursing Studies.

We hope to welcome Howard back soon!