Nuffield Future Researchers programme

The Nuffield Future Researchers programme is an exciting online placement giving students the chance to participate in research from home, working with expert researchers in a virtual learning environment.

It gives students in S5 (or year 12) the chance to develop research, critical thinking, problem-solving, planning and communication skills and make valuable contributions to the work of research supervisors.

This year, two researchers in the School, Divya Sivaramakrishnan and Jillian Manner, have been given the opportunity to supervise a young student who will be working on a placement titled 'Developing a Virtual Social Intervention to Reduce Sedentary Behaviour in Contact Centres'. 

The placement will take the student through the 'Six steps in quality intervention development' (6SQuID) model to learn how public health interventions are developed from start to finish. They will have the opportunity to develop a mini virtual social intervention with the aim of reducing sedentary behaviour (sitting time) in contact centre workers.

Given current working conditions due to Covid-19, understanding how to create interventions which reduce sitting time, and which can be implemented virtually is more relevant than ever before.


The Nuffield Future Researchers programme is an exciting opportunity to work with young students. This year, the programme will take place online using a Visual Learning Environment. Tahreem will be joining us in the fourth week of June, and we are lookong forward to welcoming Tahreem to the team.

Divya and Jillian


Related links

The Nuffield Future Researchers programme website

The Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research and Policy