New: Animal Welfare Education for Children Toolkit

Dr Janine Muldoon and Professor Jo Williams from the 'Children, Adolescents & Animals Research' (caar) group have created a new toolkit to support practitioners working within animal welfare education.

caar pencils small

This brand new toolkit was created specifically to support the development of strong evidence-based practice when developing and evaluating animal welfare education interventions for children and young people. It draws on the findings of a Delphi Study that was undertaken to identify the views of experts working in the field on the constituents of successful interventions and the challenges they experience. These findings will appear in the journal 'Animal Welfare' in May this year.

This work has been funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, as part of an Impact Acceleration grant, and has been undertaken in partnership with the Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Scottish SPCA).


View the toolkit


Practitioners' reflections on the toolkit

Aesthetically impressive, well researched, unique, much needed

I think it’s an incredibly useful document and explains very well how to create robust evaluation processes that I personally knew little about when I began in my role (and still have a lot to learn about)

My overall impression is it looks great and is an awesome document  – so much detailed work has gone into this and you both must be very proud of the final product. The colours used throughout the booklet are great, which makes what can be a ‘sad’ subject much more uplifting (visually). It is very detailed for someone just starting out on doing intervention work, or for someone who is very skilled at them – I feel it offers everyone something – it really gets across how important evaluating the outcomes of each intervention really is as often this is not undertaken

Reviews from participants in the original study on which the toolkit is based, January 2021