Identifying optimal support for people and pets in Scotland

A new research project that aims to identify the challenges experienced by pet owners in Scotland

This is a collaborative study with Dr Janine Muldoon and Professor Jo Williams from the Centre for Applied Developmental Psychology within the School, the Scottish SPCA and Blue Cross. As part of this study, the team would like to hear about the range of challenges that pet owners experience in order to develop new support services for people living in Scotland. Taking part in their online survey will help more people receive the support they need.

The survey 'Supporting People & Pets in Scotland' is open to current and past pet owners, at least 18-years-old, living in Scotland.

The responses will help to identify:

  • where support is most needed,

  • the extent and types of challenges experienced,

  • the impact of these challenges on owners and their families,

  • which support/services have been accessed and if they were helpful,

  • the type of support that pet owners feel would be most useful to them, and

  • issues involved when deciding to give up a pet.

Participants will also have the opportunity to enter a prize draw to win a £50 Amazon voucher. This will take place on the 1st July 2021.


Access the survey


Visit the project page to find information for participants

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