Between Molar, Spectral and Molecular Mourning

The lecture will present my reontologizing of death, mourning and continuing bonds, as developed philosophically in my recent monograph Vibrant Death. A Posthuman Phenomenology of Mourning (2022). I will, in particular, focus on my distinction between molar, spectral and molecular mourning. In my book, I theorize this distinction in conversation with the immanence philosophy of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari and feminist posthumanist philosopher Rosi Braidotti, as well as with the hauntology of Jacques Derrida. To present the distinction, I use an autophenomenographic approach, which has been central to my research. Autophenomenography is autoethnography with a phenomenological framing that implies a focus on corpo-affectivity and embodiment of the writing/knowledge shaping subject. In my research, I have merged autophenomenography with creative writing, using poetic language as an entrance to investigations of embodied subjectivities and sensibilities.  In the lecture, I follow the same methodology, letting a cluster of autobiographical vignettes introduce the different modes of mourning before defining them philosophically. I shall also briefly compare notes with a phenomenological study of mourning mothers’ modes of materializing continuing bonds to dead children (Harper et al 2011). 

Presenter bio:

Prof Nina Lykke is Professor Emerita of Gender Studies at Linköping University, Sweden, and Adjunct Professor at Aarhus University, Denmark. She is also a poet and writer, and has recently co-founded an international network for Queer Death Studies. Her current research focuses on feminist theory; queering of death, and mourning in posthuman, queerfeminist, new materialist, decolonial and eco-critical perspectives; autophenomenography; and poetic writing, and queer femininity. She has recently published in journals such as Australian Feminist Studies; NORA; Catalyst. Feminism, Theory, Technoscience; Environmental Humanities; Social Identitiee; Kerb Journal; Lambda Nordica; and Somatechnics. She is the author of numerous books such as Cosmodolphins (2000), Feminist Studies (2010), Vibrant Death (2022), and Feminist Reconfigurations of Alien Encounters (w. K.Aglert & L.Henriksen, 2024). 
