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Book launch: ‘Narrative Portraits in Qualitative Research’

Please join the Centre for Creative-Relational Inquiry in the celebration of ‘Narrative Portraits in Qualitative Research’ (Routledge), by Dr Edgar Rodríguez-Dorans, Lecturer in Counselling, Psychotherapy, and Applied Social Science at the University of Edinburgh.

Narrative portraiture is both a method for qualitative data analysis and a tool for research communication. The book proposes different ways of engaging with qualitative data; in the form of a systematic approach to narrative analysis, a felt-sense approach, and a collaborative approach between visual arts, performing arts, and social sciences.

The event will include a drink reception, a brief introduction by the author, responses by guest discussants and comments from the public.


Dr India Amos, Counselling & Psychotherapy, University of Salford

Dr Rosie Stenhouse, Nursing Studies, University of Edinburgh

Dr Simoni Symeonidou, Department of Education, University of Cyprus

Prof Jonathan Wyatt, Centre for Creative-Relational Inquiry, University of Edinburgh


Dr Fiona Murray, Counselling, Psychotherapy, and Applied Social Science, University of Edinburgh

At the end of the event, there will be an opportunity to buy a copy of the book and get it signed by the author.