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Artist-Led Learning: Challenges and Rewards in Higher Education

First Thursday seminar, presented by Tatiana Chemi on Thursday 2 December: 'Artist-Led Learning: Challenges and Rewards in Higher Education'


With the upcoming dissolving of 2021, the project ALL (Artist-Led Learning in Higher Education) turns to its completion too. It has been a chaotic journey through pandemic, rethinking, collaborating online, negotiating and keeping up the dream of a critical-creative higher education. The eight partners have been practicing arts-based methodologies in different non-artistic contexts: pedagogy, drama pedagogy, social studies, business studies, technology and engineering, cultural industries, leadership training. For each case, professional artists were invited to “lead” the learning process and to closely collaborate with educators and researchers. During this First Thursday, I wish to share passionate narratives about the major crises and rewards during these last three years of the project ALL. We are ALL in it together but all different.

Tatiana Chemi, Ph.D., is Associate Professor at Aalborg University, Denmark, Chair of Educational Innovation, where she works in the field of artistic learning and creative processes. Among the others, she is the author of The Art of Arts Integration, 2014, A Theatre Laboratory Approach to Pedagogy and Creativity: Odin Teatret and Group Learning, 2018, and Behind the Scenes of Artistic Creativity, 2015. In 2013, Aalborg University Press named her Author of the Year. She is currently involved in research projects exploring artistic creativity across cultural, arts-integrated education and theatre laboratories. She is founder and leader of the researchers’ group Arts-Based Methods and Performativity in Educational Research (AMPERE). She is Visiting Associate Professor at University of Chester, UK (2021-2024).

Watch the seminar (link to Zoom recording)