Philly Hare

Philly Hare brings her expertise as lead of the dynamic programme of dementia work from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation

ecred_Philly Hare

Philly's Exchange Fellowship will allow us to build on a strong, fruitful network of existing partnership between Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Mental Health Foundation and the University of Edinburgh, this Exchange Fellowship will focus on creating outputs from the many mutual links and synergies between Edinburgh University’s work on dementia and JRF’s programme.

Our work will develop the meaningful and active involvement of people with dementia - including well established relationships with DEEP, and with the Scottish Dementia Working Group. We will make use of technologies and social media to amplify the voice of people with dementia (e.g. audio diaries with OwnFone; walking tours with GoPro cameras). Key themes in our joint work will be:

  • Methodologies that involve people with dementia in design, to make places more accessible and navigable.
  • The impact of dementia on people with intellectual disability.
  • The emotional impact of living with dementia, especially beyond the early stages - and the role of peer support groups in supporting members who are progressing through dementia.
  • Values, equality and rights in dementia.