Fetal Alcohol Advisory Support and Training Team (FAASTT)

The Fetal Alcohol Advisory Support & Training Team (FAASTT) has a national remit to provide and guide training, consultation, and research to improve the knowledge and confidence of Scotland’s health and social care workforce in their work with people affected by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD).

HiSS - FAASTT logo

FASD is a significant public health concern in Scotland. It's estimated that about 1 in 7 babies in Scotland are at risk of FASD, and its prevalence is estimated to be around 3-5%, which is 3-4 times higher than autism.

FASD is an invisible, lifelong disability associated with a range of cognitive difficulties but early diagnosis allowing timely intervention can ensure those affected can reach their full potential. In the absence of diagnosis, FASD is associated with secondary harms including reduced educational attainment, poor mental health, addiction, involvement with the criminal justice system, and premature death from violence, accidents, and suicide.  

The Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) has published information about the estimated scale and extent of FASD in Scotland, along with guidance on how to identify and support individuals who were exposed to alcohol before birth in their CG 156 publication (SIGN, 2019). 



The Team’s remit comprises the following areas: 

Funded by the Scottish Government