Leadership and Influencing

Competence frameworks and structured assessments for Leadership and Influencing

Competence Framework

The Leadership and Influencing competence list can be found here:

Opportunities Across Training

A further document that supports supervisors and trainees to identify leadership and influencing opportunities across training can be found here:

Structured Assessment

The Team Formulation Quality Scale is a newly developed scale which is recommended as a tool to give formative feedback to trainees on their skills in conducting a cognitively-informed team formulation developed collaboratively with multi-disciplinary staff.   There are two sections covering core skills and content.  We have kindly been given access to this resource by the authors. Supervisors who would like access to the scale and the accompanying manual should contact Adam Conlin (Clinical.Tutor.Admin@ed.ac.uk). Trainees will also be given a copy of this scale and manual as part of their leadership and influencing teaching.

For further information about the scale and its development, please see this paper, Sandra Bucci, Samantha Hartley, Katherine Knott, Jessica Raphael & Katherine Berry (2019): The Team Formulation Quality Rating Scale (TFQS): development and evaluation, Journal of Mental Health, DOI: 10.1080/09638237.2019.1608930. Additional support that would be helpful for supervisors in the use of this scale will be considered.