
Applications are currently closed. Dates for the February 2026 intake will be confirmed in due course.

Fair treatment statement

No applicant will be unfairly discriminated against.  We are particularly alert to eliminating discrimination on account of:

  • Age
  • Cultural/religious/political belief
  • Disability
  • Ethnicity
  • Gender
  • Race
  • Relationship status
  • Sexual orientation
  • And/or Trade Union membership or stewardship

Before you start completing your application form

We encourage you to do the following before you start completing the online application form.

Read the job description and person specification:


Read the information provided for all NHS Health Boards in the Applicant Guide:

MSc APCYP Applicant Guide 2025 (490.58 KB / PDF)

Prepare your answers to the following three questions

For the first two questions, please limit your writing to 1250 characters each (including spaces).

For the third question, please limit your writing to 500 characters (including spaces).

Write in continuous prose. Do not use any formatting, such as bullet points. You will have the opportunity to paste your prepared answers as you fill in the application form.

  • Reasons for applying (1/3): Reflect on how your experiences (both clinical, non-clinical and academic) have prepared you for training as a trainee on the MSc for Applied Psychology for Children and Young People. Please be concise, limiting your writing to 1250 characters.
  • Reasons for applying (2/3): In the role of an Applied Psychologist for Children and Young People, what are the key issues and considerations when working with children, young people, families and carers? (Attention should be given to relevant policy e.g. Mental Health Strategy 2017-2027; as well as clinical practice and professional issues e.g. BPS Code of Conduct, GIRFEC, Child Protection). Please be concise, limiting your writing to 1250 characters.
  • Reasons for applying (3/3): Other relevant background information? (Please link this detail to the information in the Person Specification) Please be concise, limiting your writing to 500 characters.

Completing your application form

The application form for the MSc in Applied Psychology for Children and Young People comprises three parts: Part A, Part B and Part C.

The application form collects the following information which we recommend you compile prior to completion:

Part A Part B Part C
Personal details Post-secondary education Protected characteristics for anonymised diversity monitoring and statistical analysis only
Current address Professional membership or awards 
Eligibility to work in the United Kingdom Occupational, voluntary and research experience
Potential disability Reasons for applying
Potential previous complaints
Potential previous convictions
NHS employer preference
Contact details of referees

Privacy statement

This form will be kept in confidence when completed and returned to us.

Access to the information provided will be restricted to employing NHS Health Boards, the University of Edinburgh and NHS Education for Scotland.

Information will be held on file for a period of one year following the interview stage.

If your application is successful, the full application form will be part of your individual personnel record. It will be passed to the relevant employing NHS Health Board for their records.

Only 'Part B' of this form will be made available to short-listing panels.

If your application is short-listed, both Parts A and B will then be used by the interviewing panel if you are selected for interview. NHS Education for Scotland will receive the anonymised Part C of your application form, alongside the final status of your application: applied, shortlisted, interviewed, appointed, withdrew.

Technical support

If you encounter any difficulty with the online application form, please get in touch with as much explanation as you are to provide on the issue. Please mark the email "FAO School of Health in Social Science" in the subject line.


Key tips to complete the form

The application form will take you about 40 minutes to complete. The application form must be completed in one sitting.

Partially completed forms in progress at the deadline (12pm, midday, on the 10th of July 2024) will not be accepted by the application system so please ensure you start your application form in plenty of time to complete it by this deadline.

It is not possible to change your application form after the deadline but you will be given an opportunity to change your Health Board choices if you are selected for interview.

All fields of the form are marked as either required or optional. Please make sure you fill in at least all required fields.

The information you contribute in the form is saved every time you move on to the following page of the form. If you contribute information in a page, and do not move on to the next page, the information will be lost.

Please ensure you click on all forward and submit buttons in the various pages of the online application form, and progress as far as as you can, regardless of you completing optional areas of the form or not.

On completion of the form you will be given the opportunity to download a PDF of your submitted form. We strongly encourage you to download a copy of your form for your records and as proof of your submission.  You will also be sent an email confirmation of your submission.