Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Competence frameworks and structured assessments for CBT.

Competence Framework

The Programme is using the UCL/CORE CBT competence framework developed by Roth and Pilling as the basis for CBT teaching and training and assessment on placement. This can be accessed here:

As this is very detailed, the University of Edinburgh and University of Glasgow programmes, in conjunction with colleagues in NES have developed a more succinct competence list for use in our programme:

CBT competence list (30.51 KB / DOCX)


Structured Assessments

The Cognitive Therapy Scale-Revised (CTS-R) is the recommended structured assessment. These materials remain copyright of the authors. They are intended to be used for training and supervision in CBT and are made available here for the use of supervisors of Trainee Clinical Psychologists on the Doctorate Programme and should not be used for other purposes, particularly not for commercial gain. The source and authorship of the materials should remain clearly indicated and acknowledged.

CTS-R scale (137.5 KB / DOC)
CTS-R manual (270.56 KB / PDF)

The NES Specialist Supervision Training - CBT (NESSST - CBT) is available to supervisors and covers the supervision of CBT and the use of structured assessments of competence such as the CTS-R on placement. The training is suitable for supervisors in Adult Mental Health, Older Adults, Intellectual Disabilities and similar services where CBT is used (eg. Clinical Health). Further information and how to apply for this supervision training can be found on the Turas Learn site or via your local health board Psychological Therapies Training Co-ordinator.

Using the CTS-R with Older Adults

Video resources to support Older Adult supervisors using the CTS-R in Clinical Psychology training can be found here:

CBT for Children and Young People: Session Competency Framework

There is also a recommended structured assessment for use for formative feedback when trainees are using CBT with children and young people: this is called the CBT for Children and Young People: Session Competency Framework(CBTCYP-SCF) (Curry et al, 2016).

Supervisors who would like access to this measure should contact Adam Conlin ( and he will email a copy of the scale and manual. Trainees are able to access the measure via the 'Competence Frameworks and Structured Assessments' folder in Learn.  The NES Specialist Supervision Training - CBT (NESSST-CBT) is also delivered to CAMHS supervisors with a specific focus on supervising CBT in CAMHS and using this structured assessment.  This training is called Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) supervision (CAMHS).  Further information about this training is available on Turas Learn,  and dates are also available on Turas or through your NHS Board Child Learning Co-ordinator.

CBT for Psychosis: Revised-Cognitive Therapy for Psychosis Adherence Scale (R-CTPAS)

This scale was developed by Rebecca Rollinson and colleagues, for use in CBT for psychosis. The items are based on David Fowler's therapy manual for using CBT with psychosis. There is a scoring guide where each item is rated as not present, present and competent, or present but not competent. Frequency is also rated. For further information, see paper - Measuring  Adherence in CBT for Psychosis: a Psychometric Analysis of an Adherence Scale (Rollinson et al, 2008, Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 36, 163-178).

R-CTPAS (224.88 KB / PDF)