Dr Holloway begins secondment as Honorary Nurse Consultant

Dr Aisha Holloway has begun a 2 day a month secondment as Honorary Nurse Consultant for Alcohol Policy & Research with the Alcohol Policy Team at Scottish Government.

Aisha has a particular interest in enhancing the profile and status of nursing alcohol related research at policy level and fostering academic and policy collaborations. During the secondment Aisha will be facilitating and leading on a programme of work related to exploring the delivery of Alcohol Brief Interventions in Policy Custody in Scotland. Development, delivery and evaluation of Alcohol Brief Interventions is a key area of Aisha's programme of research.

"I am committed to increasing the capacity and capability of nurses contribution to policy development. Working alongside colleagues in the Alcohol Policy Unit will offer a unique opportunity to engage with policy development in relation to Alcohol-related harm in Scotland. I welcome the opportunity to lead on The Alcohol Brief Intervention Project in Policy Custody settings project."

Aisha Holloway
Programme Director for Masters in Advancing Nursing Practice