PhD Student's success at SGSSS Collaboration Showcase

PhD student Katie Gambier-Ross was awarded runner-up at the Scottish Graduate School of Social Science Collaboration Showcase.


Katie-Gambier Ross at SGSSS competition 2
Katie accepting her award from Professor John Rowan, University of Dundee - photo credit Lesley Martin

The annual SGSSS Collaboration Showcase was held at the spectacular V&A Dundee on 15th May. This event recognises PhD students for their Research Impact & Knowledge Exchange.

Ten finalists had posters on display at the event to showcase the impact and knowledge exchange they had achieved through their PhD research. Katie was awarded runner-up for her project "Staying Safe ‘Going Out’- the experience of people affected by dementia".

She was acknowledged for establishing the International Consortium for Dementia and Wayfinding as a platform to share knowledge about supporting people with dementia to live safe and independent lives in their communities.


As runner-up, she was awarded £500 towards furthering the impact of her research.


International Consortium for Dementia and Wayfinding

"Whilst conducting my literature review for my PhD, I identified pockets of relevant research and practice around the world but there was no platform to share this knowledge. This led me to co-found the International Consortium for Dementia and Wayfinding (ICDW) with a PhD student from University of Alberta, Canada who I met on Twitter. ICDW provides a global platform for multiagency collaboration and knowledge exchange. Along with my supervisor, Charlotte Clarke, we were awarded a knowledge exchange grant from the University of Edinburgh to travel to Calgary, Canada to build networks and to host a symposium in Edinburgh. The group is still in its infancy and the website will launch this summer. So far, there are over 60 members from ten different countries. Members include researchers, people with lived experience, private sector agencies, search and rescue agencies and, health and social care organisations.​"


I'm delighted to have my work recognised at such a prestigious event! It's the perfect motivation to finish up my data collection and get started with my final year. I hope to use the award money to disseminate my findings and produce accessible guides that help to support people with dementia to lead independent lives within their communities.

Katie Gambier-Ross


Find out more about Katie's PhD journey on her blog
Read the full list of winners on the SGSSS website here